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As an integral part of the Commonwealth that consistently calls one of the Best States For Business, Richmond, Virginia, and the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Henrico, Hanover, New Kent and Powhatan that make up the Greater Richmond Region have long been home to business leaders, innovators and creators.

On the banks of the historic James River, the Capital City of Richmond has grown into a modern day business and entrepreneurial Mecca as the headquarters of 11 Fortune 1000 companies, as well as smaller influential companies in the manufacturing, green technology, finance, creative, transportation and health and life fields have established their operations here. Its central location in Virginia along the crossroads of I-95 and I-64 and the greater east coast is a perfect complement to those businesses who need world class distribution channels at hand. With major airport, rail, trucking and technology systems in use, Richmond has taken its place among the elite cities in the country for businesses of all types.

Enjoying a labor force of over half a million and three major universities as well as multiple smaller colleges, tech and trade schools in the area, finding quality, well educated, motivated employees for almost any type of business is not an issue. Add in the fact that Richmond has low business costs and a very pro-business climate that seeks to help many companies with incentives and financial tools that can aid your bottom-line and you can see that basing a business in Richmond has its advantages.

The social scene, restaurants and shopping for both big box and smaller independent stores is second-to-none in the differing communities that give Richmond and the region its heritage and uniqueness. Whether it is in vibrant Carytown, Short Pump, The Fan or The West End, Richmond has a lot to offer to both families and businesses alike.

Having many commercial real estate options that can range from strip malls to high rises, to historical and neighborhood revitalization projects, gives Richmond a great advantage in offering the perfect property for businesses of all types. That’s where we at Dominion Commercial come in – we know Richmond and the Richmond Region. Our local experience and market knowledge insure that you will find the right property at the right price every time.

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On the banks of the historic James River, the Capital City of Richmond has grown into a modern day business and entrepreneurial mecca

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Connect and follow Dominion Commercial through facebook and twitter to find out what is happening with commercial real estate and other items of interest throughout Richmond.

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